where's the wake boat version?

I love Tesla. I love how they are reimagining the future of automobiles, home power and mass production. This concept electric boat utilizes two Model-S 'engines' to create 1800 horsepower!


We are still waiting for an all-electric wakeboard boat. Thousands of pounds of batteries would pump some serious wake and help us reduce our carbon footprint each summer. Someone dial up Mr. Musk and tell him to get cracking!



Spring Projects!

With warm weather comes spring projects! We have a big to-do list around the property and have been working hard on landscaping, cleaning and improving all aspects of our camp.

Our camp location used to be a cottage rental business and each cabin had an oven (which we disconnected when we moved in in 2015). This week we removed all of the old ovens and built new shelving in their place. We will be putting little bins on each shelf for our campers to use for extra storage.

We will be hard at work through the rest of the spring as camp gets closer!

-Evan & Ryan

Bluebird days with a side of wind

We were up at camp today getting a jump on spring cleanup and found lots of snow, an icy lake and gorgeous bluebird skies.

It'll be a few more weeks until we get the dock and boats in!

Tax time and camp!

As tax day approaches we hope that many of you will take advantage of deductions related to summer camp! If you need our tax ID # or proof of camp purchase from 2017 please feel free to e-mail or call. 

Here is a link to one of our blog posts a few years ago with more information on deductions and summer camp:


(Always talk to your accountant before making any tax moves.)

Water Monkey all over the world!

Water Monkey swag gets around. Our campers get a t-shirt every summer plus a winter gift in December (beanies, water bottles, pop sockets, socks, etc) so there are hundreds of different items floating all over the globe. 

My parents are always great about taking pictures of their Water Monkey items on their world travels. They just returned from a hiking expedition around Patagonia through Argentina and Chile and sent me these photos!

We would love to see other Water Monkey swag in action so send me (evan@watermonkeycamp.com) some pictures to be posted on our blog or instagram!
